Saturday, March 28, 2009


I do not prefer auditory learning as a style but without it, where would I be? Lately I have been so distractable. I was glad this was one of the latter Things since I was sure that I would not enjoy this venue. Well, it was not so bad because the videos were good at explaining it and helping me to SEE its extrinsic and intrinsic value. I did not like the Ninjas analogy!!. The WRESA segments needs further study but it show that there are good podcasts out there for use with students and adults. Perhaps I can make my own podcasts for the auditory learner.

1 comment:

  1. Podcasts are great, not just for the auditory learner, but for the many who need to refer back to the lesson or concept several times after instruction has taken place. It's one means for independent review. I like videos more because it incorporates multisenses, including auditory.

    But podcasts are easier to do, and completed more quickly. Btw- I like the fruit clock :)


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