Monday, February 23, 2009

Tweety Explores Thing 3

I was embarrassed by the wealth of information I did not know!   Blogging, ok I get it, but the extent to what can be added appears to be the beginning of a website.  The detail that some of the creators used was interesting yet in some regards challenging.  The blogs in all cases were not clear as to their intent.  I visited several blogs and delved deep into a couple of them.  I enjoyed the high school journalism one since I was once editor-in-chief of my high school newspaper.  I would have relished using this tool for communication.  I did not like the Hobo blog.  I was not searching for his brand of cynicism.  I felt intrigued by the G-Town Talks which led you to various types of blogs done by various personnel.  One of those blogs spoke to "Kids Generating Ideas and Creating Content".  It was right on the money!  As you explore this site, it is more a website that puts to use the blogging, wikis, podcasting, digital storytelling, RSS (haven't figured that one out yet), social bookmarking and social networking (such as Facebook) all by SECOND GRADERS and their teacher.

I could not stand it any longer.  I wanted to know what RSS is and does.  So I googled it.  Then I read Wikipedia.  Then I clicked on a link to YouTube and was given a succinct demo of what RSS is and what it does and how you can subscribe to these news feeds.  I will check them out later to see if they will continue to interest me.  This is learning!!!!

As I reflected on these blogs, I began to think about photo essays, Constructive Response to a Project or problem, a Principal blog, journaling (public or private to teacher).  I am sure other ideas will form later on.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go! I haven't done Thing 3 yet but now I'm even more anxious to get to it. I agree that the exploration is great fun - I kept clicking on the Next Blog link and was intrigued by the number of different languages, topics, formats, differing levels of writing ability and tech savvy. Also like the new Blog list you added - nice touch!


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