Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tweety Explores Thing 1 and Thing 2

I began this journey because I am always interested in learning new things and meeting new people.  My supervisor registered in this course and earlier in the year I saw the posting and neglected to return to the site.  When our group was informed of her learning adventure, I said to myself, "Boy, that was what I wanted to learn about".  You see, I am somewhat literate in technology but I tend lag back when the new projects or devices come up.  What is a blog? What is a wiki?  What is a podcast?  How do I begin?  Well, this course could certainly help!  As I begin this journey,  I know that each step along the path will help me become a better student and I will be able to assist and support my colleagues as they want to learn more.  The article and video were very insightful and offered many ideas that would require additional reflection since my grade level interest is elementary and most of this information was for middle and high school students.  In order for educators to bring this venue to our students, we must acquire literacy ourselves.  I am excited about this opportunity.  As I consider the likelihood of someone reading my post,  I am not afraid, only cautious, making sure that my language and intent are understood but that no personal information which could only be gained through me is available for public gain.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I'm so glad you're here- just think how smart we'll be when this is done! Let's see who else we can get to go with us.


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