Saturday, February 28, 2009

Tweety Explores Thing 4 and Thing 5

Well, I finally returned to my blog.  I updated a few things and went to Bloglines to check my feeds.  Wow, they had grown and I now know I will be more selective about choosing them.  One of the bloggers I read suggested I  join Google Reader and I found it easier to navigate.  I also added a photo slide show reminiscent of some of my island adventures.  I visited several blogs found one which had a wealth of information on it---a little to compressed but it appears that the blogger is very knowledgeable so I will follow him-- Web 2.0 in the Classroom is the name of the BLOG.  My main comment about RSS feeds is that it allows the information to come to you.  Less searching for it.  I have left several comments to bloggers and now I am excited about Thing 6.  I love photos and pictures.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Exploring the Link-Next Blog

I was fascinated about how many of the blogs I viewed were ethnic in nature and several were being used as business sites.  Mmmmmmmmm---maybe an idea for my beading hobby.  I am going to incorporate a couple of pictures here to see if I have the correct idea.  I was wondering about placement but I will just experiment.  I can always delete or change.  As I thought the placement was a bit challenging but with a little effort it can be done.  As our  BLOG continues, some pictures might add interest and sometimes clarity to the viewer.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Tweety Explores Thing 3

I was embarrassed by the wealth of information I did not know!   Blogging, ok I get it, but the extent to what can be added appears to be the beginning of a website.  The detail that some of the creators used was interesting yet in some regards challenging.  The blogs in all cases were not clear as to their intent.  I visited several blogs and delved deep into a couple of them.  I enjoyed the high school journalism one since I was once editor-in-chief of my high school newspaper.  I would have relished using this tool for communication.  I did not like the Hobo blog.  I was not searching for his brand of cynicism.  I felt intrigued by the G-Town Talks which led you to various types of blogs done by various personnel.  One of those blogs spoke to "Kids Generating Ideas and Creating Content".  It was right on the money!  As you explore this site, it is more a website that puts to use the blogging, wikis, podcasting, digital storytelling, RSS (haven't figured that one out yet), social bookmarking and social networking (such as Facebook) all by SECOND GRADERS and their teacher.

I could not stand it any longer.  I wanted to know what RSS is and does.  So I googled it.  Then I read Wikipedia.  Then I clicked on a link to YouTube and was given a succinct demo of what RSS is and what it does and how you can subscribe to these news feeds.  I will check them out later to see if they will continue to interest me.  This is learning!!!!

As I reflected on these blogs, I began to think about photo essays, Constructive Response to a Project or problem, a Principal blog, journaling (public or private to teacher).  I am sure other ideas will form later on.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tweety Explores Thing 1 and Thing 2

I began this journey because I am always interested in learning new things and meeting new people.  My supervisor registered in this course and earlier in the year I saw the posting and neglected to return to the site.  When our group was informed of her learning adventure, I said to myself, "Boy, that was what I wanted to learn about".  You see, I am somewhat literate in technology but I tend lag back when the new projects or devices come up.  What is a blog? What is a wiki?  What is a podcast?  How do I begin?  Well, this course could certainly help!  As I begin this journey,  I know that each step along the path will help me become a better student and I will be able to assist and support my colleagues as they want to learn more.  The article and video were very insightful and offered many ideas that would require additional reflection since my grade level interest is elementary and most of this information was for middle and high school students.  In order for educators to bring this venue to our students, we must acquire literacy ourselves.  I am excited about this opportunity.  As I consider the likelihood of someone reading my post,  I am not afraid, only cautious, making sure that my language and intent are understood but that no personal information which could only be gained through me is available for public gain.
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